So. It was early in May and the Kangaroo asked me if I was up for sailing a catamaran on a delivery from Sicily to the Solent. I told him that I could only take a maximum of three weeks leave from work. He said that was OK and he would drop me off somewhere along the way. Gibraltar he said, or Lisbon maybe. The other crew member would be a guy called Tam the Cat who was apparently a great expert on sailing these things. So the Kangaroo assured me that we'd all be fine. The whole proposal sounded a bit dodgy and there were many unanswered questions so naturally I said I was up for it. Only then did he tell me that the boat was only thirty feet long and although it had no engine it did have an outboard..................
I met the guys at Manchester Airport and then we had an interesting series of debates with the airport staff which started "Is that a gas bottle in your luggage Sir?" and finished with my jar of Wensleydale Rhubarb and Ginger Jam being confiscated by a clinically obese and depressed looking man who wouldn't accept it from me as a present but insisted that it would be taken away and crushed. It was then revealed that Tam the Cat had a worryingly large stock of analgesics in his hand luggage and the airport staff wanted to know why he was carrying this much.
They wanted to know why? -
I wanted to know why! The Kangaroo gazed intently into the middle distance and said nothing.
Nonetheless, the flight went smoothly and I sat beside Tam and we talked. Well, mainly Tam talked. About multihulls and apparent wind, and screechers and barber haulers and drifters and some more about apparent wind and then some more about apparent wind angles. I ended up quite dazed by all this and I wondered about asking him for an analgesic. Maybe he carries them because he finds there is a demand?
It was beautifully clear coming down from the Alps. I could see the Gulf of Genova, Elba, Capri. As we moved into evening everything blurred into a rose and grey haze. The sea was flat with ships crawling on it leaving snail trails behind them. Suddenly we were banking and coming over the Island of Ustica. It was getting dark quickly now and we landed on Sicily in the last of the glowing dusk on a narrow piece of land between rocky mountains and the sea.
When we stopped, a great cheer and clapping of hands erupted from the passengers. The pilot responded by playing bugle calls over his tannoy. They all seemed so happy and delighted to have arrived that |I wondered if they had not expected to land properly.
Heat and humidity hit us immediately. The Kangaroo negotiated a taxi and we were soon speeding down the Autostrada. Despite the dark, the driver was wearing mirrored shades, and kept muttering and making hand gestures at other drivers as he slewed around the dirty closed-up urban sprawl of Palermo. Scary. Rubbish was abundant everywhere and there was a sinister lack of people.
We pulled up at a steel lifting barrier stretching across the rough concrete slope going down into the Marina Villa Igea. We dropped out bags among the scrubby weeds beside the road. The Kangaroo paid the taxi driver. A sullen and stupid looking night watchman was demanding to know our business. The Kangaroo fancied that he could speak italian because of his experience ordering in the Leeds branch of La Strada. We were getting nowhere so I interrupted Luigi in clear loud English and when I mentioned the name of the boat the watchman became very animated indeeed because it appeared that a considerable heap of spondooliks was owed in berthing fees. We made it plain that we were not sailing that night and the owner would be here tomorrow to foot the bill. Thus aussaged, he waved his arms to tell us where the boat was and scuttled off to telephone his mafia superiors.
She was lying bow-to in a canyon formed by an enormous catamaran on one side and a huge monohull on the other. first impressions were tht whe was quite sleek looking and not as old and knackered as I had dreaded.
The Kangaroo as skipper and Tam the Cat as mate exercised their prerogatives as my Masters Under God and claimed the only two bunks. As I was Rodger the Cabin Boy I knew my place and lowered the saloon table before spreading my sleeping bag on top. Both companionways and all hatches were left open due to the suffocating heat. Even so, it was late, it had been a long day and I was out like a light.
Wonderful morning; already hot with promise of a scorcher to come. We had coffee and set to work sorting out the boat and checking the inventory. We put up sails and took them down, climbed up the mast and down it again, fetched, carried and laboured away until we could not see for sweat in our eyes.
The owner appeared at noon and immediately the marina manager popped up from nowhere. These two had a wee altercation which finished by the extortion of 1000 Euros from the owner. Or else..........
I reconnoitred the facilities in this expensive marina. The showers were unbelievable. Filthy and loathsome beyond imagining. You breathed through a handkerchief just looking. And then the toilets. No doors, streaked with shit and alive with flies. Missing bricks, plaster and stagnant puddles. In the blinding sun outside, a feral pack of mongrel dogs were running around the anaemic vegatation and dirt, barking at everything for no reason at all. At the foot of the crane girders, and old woman was fishing and a stray cat was sitting behind her waiting on the result. In a patch of shade I sat on the ground to watch the kids diving into the marina and swimming among the boats. Dark bodies shining with water and leaving wet footprints along the pontoons.
My experience of Italian marinas is that they contain a large number of shining polished boats which are owned by seriously wealthy people and crewed by full time flunkies. You know - 60 foot stinkpots, mirrored windows, white leather furniture, carpets, showers (plural) and freshwater flushing toilets. So no marina facilities for someone who understands sailing as a mooring up the Gareloch with the smell of the seaweed and the cawing of the gulls.
Its an Italian racket. One day it will all fall down.
Up early and put on the same clothes I had worn since I left Manchester and got to work before it got too hot. Tam and me hauled the Kangaroo up the mast to replace the navigation lights and fit a radar reflector. Then me and Tam hired a car and went to vittle the boat. There seems to be no rules for driving in Palermo other than to shout at everyone else in the hot mad traffic . We found a large hypermarket called Auchan situated on the edge of the city and bought everything we needed.
The boat continued to have serious faults and some items which needed to be updated. at 30 feet it is on the small side for a 2500 mile passgae and the accommodation is limited. The sails were heavily damaged by UV and the engine is only a small outboard with limited spare petrol capacity. The weather forecasts were poor and with these issues in the background it was easy to justify any delay in setting off. However, we also needed to get away from this run down marina with the insufferable heat, dust and general squalor. The Kangaroo puts on his Conrad expression and says in his comical accent that its not the sea that destroys men but its ships and harbours that rots them.
The owner put off onto the pontoon and headed away for his flight home. We were all tired and slightly disillusioned about the boat and the weather. We needed to get going.
The marina manager was passing in his car and he called me over. He made a lot of threatening noises. The 100 Euro fee for tonight has not been paid. I told him we were not staying overnight but were going as soon as it got dark. He roared off making aggressive gestures. His flunkey arrived and shouted at us. We ignored him. I slept badly. The packs of wild dogs which live on the marina waste ground were barking and the guys on a South African boat were having a loud booze session. Everything stagnating in heat and dust.
We rose at 0445, swiftly converted the warps into slips and dropped the slime line. Gone by 0600 leaving nothing but a 100 euro space on the pontoon. We motored over to the next marina in the Golfo Di Palermo to check it out as this was to be our bad weather bolthole. We had pretty much burned our bridges at Villa Igea.
I came on watch at 0800 just after we had put up the main. We fired up Eric the tiller pilot and set him onto 287 true while we washed the dust off the boat. There were dolphins off Capo Gallo and we had to negotiate the tuna nets extending far out to sea. The mountains of Baia di Carini some ten miles away were hazy blue and hurt the eyes.
By 1600 there was a long flat gelatinous swell and a threatening dark haze to the north. We watched tuna boats laying out long lines of buoys, regularly rolling off the stern like depth charges in some old movie. In the distance I could see the Egadi Islands dropping away. Off Capo Vito we were joined by a pod of six dolphins. The Kangaroo and me lay on the trampoline to watch them racing away below us and between the bows. They went as the sun went down and whe I looked astern there was just one left leaping in valediction and suddenly he went and the dark came down.
This was our first night and we still had no real idea of the boat or of moving around her in the dark, so rather than power her up we had put a reef into the main as a first night security measure on our solo watches. Being on watch alone on a catamaran really freaked me out. I had no experience of them and was anxious about stability and the need to understand the amount of sail carried in a more precise and critical way than you need on a monohull. I was full of preconception and misinformation and expected the thing to flip up at any moment and invert itself. After all it was just as stable either way. I had asked about the hatches on the cabin floors and Tam had explained that they were escape hatches and advised me to carry my knife at all times. Thanks Tam, I felt better for that.
The boat became wet with condensation and we motorsailed on into the black night. there was no moon, but Venus and the stars were loud and clear. There was some traffic and I kept a careful eye on it, until the Kangaroo came up at midnight and refilled the outboard tank by siphoning petrol from a gerry can. Since he did this by sucking on a rubber tube he took several mouthfuls of petrol. Given his constant habit of smoking roll ups I was a little concerned by this. Despite these ruminations, I slept like a log until 0630.
On watch 0800 until 1200. We have 17 knots of apparent wind at 10 degrees off the starboard bow. Deep blue sea all around under a deep blue sky. We are now 100 miles from the nearest land.
Put the screecher up but the wind always seems to head us, so we took it down again and continued under main and outboard. We are making much slower progress than we anticipated and we are at that interesting point where there is not enough fuel to reach Sardinia or to get back to Sicily. So basically we are stuffed and need to do some sailing however slow and frustrating. It is very hot, we are off the shipping lanes and there is an edge to our mood as a result of the slow progress.
Suddenly a bird landed on the edge of the cockpit. It looked tired and disinterested. We tried to give it crumbs and water but it would not take them, instead moving to grip onto the wooden slats of the cockpit seat. Perhaps it derived some comfort from feeling wood under its claws. The bird - a turtle dove I think - went just as quickly as it came. I wished it well and hoped it got to land and survived the Italian 'hunting' massacre.
The seas got bigger and we were going down into the holes and seas were coming over the bows. The sun is falling down in a clear sky as we steer for Cape Carbonara. The boat is banging, creaking and groaning and the engine is surging as the waves pass up and below it. Venus rose soft and high in the west and the Milky Way dominated the sky as I stood on watch in the condensation and damp of the cockpit. I stared until I started to confuse sea and sky in the misty blur of the darkness. I began to see the loom of a lighthouse and woke the Kangaroo as he had slept in for his own watch. We stood and spoke together quietly until 0130 before I went down to sleep.
I came up into the warm sunshine. Dolphins were leaping off to port and Cagliari was dead ahead. We had been at sea now for over 50 hours and I was keen to get a shower and a beer. We came round the breakwater and tied up onto the pontoon of the marina just after 0900 hrs. Cagliari rose above us, clustered on its hill and I was excited to explore. DH Lawrence had been here and described it as strange and rather wonderful - not a bit like Italy.
The Kangaroo had gone off to an internet cafe and returned with a weather forecast. It wasn't good so he decided to stay here until tomorrow, and let the Mistrali blow over. The other two had been up most of the night so wanted to catch up on sleep. I had a shower and went off to look at Cagliari. It's a warren of silent hot alleyways, built on a hillside and at the top of the hill there are open spaces with palm trees and people sitting underneath eating ice cream, drinking coffee, and beer in long stemmed glasses. Very little road traffic and the sounds of quiet conversation and birds singing are what I remember.
Back in the marina there were a lot of live-aboards swept here from the various corners of Europe, but mostly English. Their boats were covered in all sorts of junk and paraphanalia. I get the sense that many of them have not been to sea in a long time and were a bit hard up. They were meeting up in the afternoon for a beer in a building we christened the Pagoda and I met my first ever Rasta sailor, complete with dreadlocks. He lived with a spaced out Essex Girl on a cement boat which was up on the hard. The Kangaroo was basking in being called Il Capitano, whereas me and Tam were termed merely "I due yotii" Just as evening fell, flights of flamingoes came in low overhead. There are lots of them living here and many mosquitoes in the surrounding marshes.
The weather forecast was still for a mistral and we were certainly feeling a stiff breeze in the shelter of the marina. We spent our day wandering around the town in boredom and getting pissed in the Pagoda.
Forecast was still poor. I was forming the impression that the local wind may be topographical and coming through the gap in the hills giving the impression of stronger winds than there really was. I wondered if we moved out and round the SW tip of Sardinia if it may not be as bad as we thought? Tam and me caught a bus and went on a bit of a mental trip to a place called Pula away round the Bay.,The bus was full of local colour and we passed many of the salt marshes (each called a "Stagno") which were full of flamingoes. Quite exotic. We visited the site of an ancient Phoenecian town and returned to the boat in the evening. I told the Kangaroo that I was bored and had been thinking of catching a flight home so he agreed to visit the internet cafe tomorrow and get a detailed forecast. Crew were about to jump ship!
We got up and went to the cafe and had breakfast and although the forecast was still poor we thought we would give it a go in the morning. Stange how sometimes there is this reluctance to leave. To put it off at all costs. Hence the sad live-aboards stuck here. Just like it was in Palermo, we need to go. Now!
We slipped the lines at 0600 and sailed south in increasingly boisterous conditions.We were clsoing Cape Spartivento and were getting knocked about a bit and it was getting wet. The true wind was up to 35 knots and a fishing vessel running in from the open sea closed with us. Their guestures to us did not need an understanding of Italian. We took in another reef and with careful timing in the waves, gingerly turned the boat and ran back the way we had come. Two days ago me and Tam had done a recce of the bay at Pula and we decided to go there for anchorage. I lay face down on the trampoline to pilot us over the rocks in the sand and the Kangaroo helmed us in to anchor in 3 metres.
We had a long slow moody afternoon as we had now tried for 40 miles and failed to get around the headland. We would try again tomorrow. If this failed, we would return to Cagliari and fly home. Smoke rose from bonfires ashore and we caught the melancholy smell of woodsmoke.
All seemed calm at 0600 so we raised the anchor and were off. Although there was a big swell from yesterday, the sailing was sparkling. By 0830 we were off Cape Spartivento, and went on to pass Cape Teuleda which was big, barren and reminded me of Gibraltar. As we crossed the Golfo di Palmas we were heading into 17 knots apparent and wondered where was the forecast NW 7.
The Isola del Toro appeared away to port like an Italian version of Ailsa Craig and I had a sudden spurt of homesickness for my own sailing waters in Scotland. At the same time, the Isola la Vacca was on the starboard. We were fairly close to this island and could clearly see the spray splashing up on the cliff face and the way in which the prevailing weather had undercut the cliff leaving the other side of the island as a rounded lump.
We thought we would run up to Carloforte and check out the weather and top up the petrol cans. So we turned north round Capo Sperone and up past the Isola di Sant'Antocio. This all reminded me very much of Scotland with green hills sweeping down to the sea. Then in mid-afternoon we arrived at the island of San Pietro and turned into the harbour of Carloforte before tying up at a spare pontoon making the anglers move with much evil looks and muttering. It had been a good 54 mile sail since Pula.
Carloforte is a lovely calm town which is extended along the stone harbour frontage. The houses and shops stand behind the road which runs the length of the seafront add between sea and the road the promenade of palm trees and quaint street lights. Road traffic is minimal and pedestrians stroll everywhere. Cafes, restauruants and bars under canvas awnings are ubiquitous. There is the pleasant sound of quiet conversation and laughter and the smell of coffee, cigars and beer. Small ferries come and go with their bow ramps clanking and banging as the unload their few cars and passengers. There are some pontoons with crews sitting in the cockpits of their bobbing yachts, cooling themselves in the evening breeze.
It was hot hot hot and the Kangeroo and me wandered along the seafront with an empty 20 litre Jerrycan. The town was busy and preparing for their annual Tuna Festival that evening. We found a filling station pump and filled the Jerrycan. I found a supermarket and got some provisions then we tried the harbourmaster's office for a forecast. They wanted us to return later as they were clearly absorbed in preparing to be important at the festival and were strutting around with their full dress uniforms with white topped caps and the mandatory mirrored shades. We returned to the boat, taking turns at carrying the full jerrycan and as I had felt so filthy, sweaty, sunburnt and ragged when I was in town I had a wash and change.
Then we wandered out to join the festival. First though, we got the weather forecast and although it was not particularly good, we thought the worst of it would be well to the north of our intended track so we decided to go now. Of couirse we were reluctant to leave because the festival was just taking off with Brazilian lady dancers and other delights. This was all very civilized and wholesome with hundreds of people wandering around. No drunken antics: just laughter and simple wholesome things. We bought some little home made cakes and sat down at a cafe table.We each had a cold Stella Artois and enjoyed the passing carnival before returning slowly to the boat and casting off quietly just after 2100.
I rose at 0600 after a poor sleep and went into the sunny morning in the cockpit to join Tam who was midway thorugh his watch. We were using a large scale chart of the Western Med and our plots showed a frustratingly small snail trail. The course was simple: follow the 39th parallel of latitude. No wind. Motoring across the abyssal plain in baking heat and long swell. The chart says the depth is 2800 metres. We set up and tried the Screecher several times as there is not enough fuel to motor the entire passage. Find us wind!
Watched the sun coming up at 0600. The seas were building and we were now in a fully developed F6. Eric the autohelm was groaning as we put three reefs in the main, eventually dumping it altogether at 1215. Flying along under jib alone under a blue sky and white streaked water. Good sailing this.
Just after I came on watch the seas became bigger and we were surfing at 12 knots. The Kangaroo was trying to slow the boat down and we eventually reduced sail and all we had up was the headsail with three reefs in it and we were still making 8 knots! Before nightfall, we prepared a couple of long warps to go over the stern if we needed them. It grew very dark and we were taking the odd wave in the cockpit.
There were now flashes of lightning to the south and all of a sudden within three minutes the fully developed F7 sea just abated. The wind completely disappeared and we were left bobbing around. The wind then boxed the compass and we were bemused and did not know what to do. The lightning and thunder grew nearer and we put our handheld radio, mobile phones and GPS into the oven, as a Faraday Cage in case we were struck. Big flashes zzzzzzinged and ripped left to right across the sky. I started the engine due to the lack of wind and although I came off my solo watch at midnight, I stayed talking to the Kangaroo until 0130 then sacked it.
When I went up at 0600 and saw that Tam and the boat were covered in wet red sand which had dumped on us during the night and had only become obvious with the light. It must have come from Africa some two hundred miles to the south of us. We filled the day in a variety of sailing tasks.
In the evening I went on watch. I had an anxious time trying to interpret the non-standard flashing lights on a fishing vessel and avoiding it. The wind increased and backed. I put out the foresail.. The wind increased some more and continued to back. We were now reaching in 20 knots true and I called The Kangaroo up to help me put a reef in. The wind increased and we took the main down. I went below to sleep at midnight but I was being bounced around and sleep was completely out of the question. Tam got up and then I got up. The wind was building into something and we all got our oilies and boots on. We filled the lower hatches into the companionways and got our lifelines sorted.
The only sail we had up was a scrap of foresail and the whole of the furled sail and forestay was rattling and shaking in a rhythm which was causing the entire boat to shake. A bit concerning. The waves were now as large as open Atlantic rollers according to the Kangaroo. The wind was now 40 knots and gusting higher. The depth was shelving from 2500 metres to 1000 metres: hence the seas. It was as black as hell and we were all three of us tethered on in the cockpit.
We were now bertween north and south TZ zones and we could see the lights of a continuous chain of ships going north. I was looking though the bins and Tam was sighting with the hand bearing compass. As we timed our crossing of the line some of the ships broke off and came behind us. One of them passed so close to us that I was able to dive below and plot a plot on the chart by using the ships lights as illumination. Not good. Too close.
The weather became even worse and the seas were massive. At around 0430 we approached the line of ships going south. We passed through with no problems, but the last of these ships was a passenger ship which took definite action to come round our stern. As we continued to watch warily it suddenly changed course and headed directly for us. We could see green and red lights at once! Tam had the tiller and turned us 90 degrees and we flashed our lights up and down the jib until he turned away and we could only see his port light. We were quite stressed by this incident and it had been quite scary.
The seas moderated a little as we came under the lee of the cape to the north and dawn broke which made us all feel better. I made us all hot chocolate which was a great boost to the morale of three very tired blokes. Alicante came into view from about 12 miles offshore and we approached it gradually spotting where the marina was and we closed the land after this 440 mile passage from Carloforte.
The marina itself was one of these horrible places with huge stinkpots and poseurs with mirrored shades and straight mouths, busily polishing thier boats. There was a large number of toytown architecture shops, restaurants and other businesses whose aim is to extract money from you as efficiently as possible, while looking down their noses at you .
The thing was that it was a beautiful calm morning and people were staring at us wondering at the soaking wet state of us. We hung our oilie jackets over the boom to dry. The other two went below to sleep and I sat in the cockpit where in the heat of the marina, sleep overcame me sitting upright while still wearing my oilskin trousers and boots. I had been up now for 28 hours and was now dead to the world.
The following morning I said farewell to the Kangeroo and Tam and flew back to Newcastle where my wife collected me and drove me home. The other two took the boat down towards Gibraltar and then left the boat due to various equipment failures. I heard later that the boat was finally brought back to the south coast of England, but later on had an explosion and burnt down to the water line. A shame. It was a good sea boat. she looked after me and I was sorry to hear that. Even the Kangaroo was subdued after this trip. Bit of an adventure!